About HUNT3D
HUNT3D is a Veteran Owned and Operated company who just like you, spends countless hours in the woods making memories with friends and family. We were raised in the outdoors and have grown such a strong passion for it that we decided to utilize some of our capabilities and bring new opportunities to the hunting industry. We are using additive technology (3D Printing) to bring light-weight and durable parts, that will make that trip to the woods a little bit easier.
Veteran Owned & Operated
Meet the Staff

Tyler Carver
My name is Tyler and I live in Southern Ohio where I grew up chasing whitetail and turkey with the people closest to me.
My passion for the outdoors started when I was a boy and continues to grow year after year. I am a husband to my beautiful wife, Whitney, and a father to two young boys, Knox and Tripp. I have already started making memories with my family in the woods, showing my boys the beauty of God’s creation in the outdoors. I served in the Navy as a helicopter mechanic for 8 years and moved back to Ohio in 2020. As I onboarded at GE Additive and began learning about 3D printing, I immediately saw the positive effects this could have on products in the hunting industry. In 2022, my partner and I took a leap of faith and began designing and printing products that will bring value to the outdoor industry. With any success, first is failure and we have had plenty of humbling moments throughout the planting process. But with persistence and hard-work, we are seeing our dream come to life. As hunters, outdoorsmen, fathers, husbands, and Christians, we want to be a part of your story. We are proud to bring you products made from our small company.Jordan Boswell
VP of Business Operations
My name is Jordan but I have many different titles in this thing we call life. I haven’t always found myself in the woods hunting growing up as I was spending most of my childhood chasing motocross nationals across the US. After High School I joined the US Navy and spent those 4 years rebuilding and testing the F18 Super Hornet in Yokosuka, Japan. After I left the Navy in 2016, I moved back home to Southwest Ohio where my wife and I began our family. Once I returned, I got a new found love spending time in the woods chasing Whitetail! My time in the woods helped me check out from the everyday grind. Most ex-military feel under-stimulated after service and for me, this helped a lot! I was at GE Additive for 4 years after service and realized the potential with high level additive manufacturing. I love hunting and I love additive so were excited to bring you elite level printing!

Those we’ve lost along the way
Anyone who has stepped foot in the outdoors has made some sort of memory, whether that memory be good or bad. I was fortunate enough to make plenty of great memories with my old man. When I was a kid I use to love tagging along with him in the woods. It didn’t matter if we saw twenty deer or not a single deer. He taught me how to carry a gun, draw a bow, what a deer track looked like, and everything else I needed to know to be successful in the woods. Once my obsession grew, he was the one tagging along with me on every recovery and any chance he could to be in the woods with me. When he went to be with our heavenly father, the woods didn’t feel the same for a while. But since we shared this passion together, I am able to look at each deer or turkey mount or picture and remember all the amazing times we had shared. So make the memories!

It isn’t about the size of the kill, its about the size of the memory. Which is why here at HUNT3D, we encourage you to get out there with your loved ones, make those memories, take the pictures and let us be part of your story.